Fashion Box : Sewing course – Layered Mini Skirt

Sewing Course : Layered Mini Skirt Sewing course in the box: Mini skirt, with ribbon & 2 flattering layers. Difficulty level: Basic. Welcome to a mini sewing course where you can sew yourself trendy and easy-to-make a perfectly happy mood skirt! With precisely cutting logic & sewing tutorial video! The cut includes all the parts,  […]

Fashion Box : Sewing course – Tying-Collar-Blouse

Tying Collar Blouse

Sewing Course : Tying Collar Blouse Sewing course in the box: Classic Blouse with very comfortable and easy to sew cut, tying collar, wide sleeves with ribbon- so: you can see how many sewing skills you’ll learn & practice with some help of the tutorial video. Difficulty level: Basic. Welcome to a mini sewing course […]

Fashion Box : Sewing course – Classic-Capri-Pants

Sewing Course : Classic Capri Pants Sewing course in the box: Classic Capri Pants. Why Capri? Because of the place where it was a popular trendy item in the late 50s-early 60s. Difficulty level: Basic. Welcome to a mini sewing course where you can sew yourself trendy and easy-to-make Perfectly fit pants! With precisely tailored […]

Fashion Box : Sewing course – Top with horses

Sewing Course : Top with Horses Sewing course in the box: Top Difficulty level: Basic. Welcome to a mini sewing course where you can sew yourself a trendy and easy-to-make shirt! With precisely tailored personal patterns! The cut includes a front part and a back part, with markings for the connection points in the armpit, […]

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BLOG Welcome to my blog – the virtual reflection of everything that happens in the studio in the broad context: behind the scenes of design and the whole process of creating new items, deliberations, sources of information and more – and of course all the updates on what happens in workshops and classes: Technological innovation, […]

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