A constructive girl builds an experience

A client once told me, after measuring several clothes in the studio – that I describe the garment as a relationship between him and her body – that there was a structure around it. Well, it’s true – this is my way of planning and shaping – and the description of the item is accordingly: […]
B.C. CLOTHES The hallmarks of the brand B.C. They are also an honest approach to processes and results: full transparency about the materials and the production process and the possibility of being aware and even actively involved in the process of creating the garment. That’s exactly why I opened up 3 choices for my clients: The […]
Contact I would love to hear from you, use the information below to connect! Jenny Agasandian
Be Curious Be Courageous Be Creative My goal as a designer is to create a relationship between a woman and a garment – so I really engineer the cover for the body, using classic design tools: the logic of proportions, the aesthetics of textures and the dynamics of movement. Shop now Education Be Curious Be […]
Unique Projects I believe that the most interesting things happen on the edges of the various disciplines – so all the projects presented here are related to a symbiotic relationship and feed the desire to continue to engage in fashion, both for me and my talented students. Projects: Theater WATCH NOW Projects: Fashion Show WATCH […]
Fashion in a multiple contexts Fashion school https://www.dropbox.com/s/ea3gvqv7jnvw4wd/BCSitevideo.mp4?raw=1
Gallery Welcome to the photo gallery! Here you can see the present and the history of the diverse work in the studio: from photographs of productions and collections, behind the scenes of the creating process and DIY fashion boxes- to photographs of the studio students and the items they create during the courses and […]
Jenny Agasandian Theatre educated Fashion Designer (MFA), owner of B.C. (Be Creative, Be Curious, Be Courageous) & Atelier Fashion School (2010) I am Jenny Agasandian, Theatre educated Fashion Designer (MFA), owner of B.C. (Be Creative, Be Curious, Be Courageous) & Atelier Fashion School (2010). One of my important missions is to restore the respect for […]